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GLIB-MKENUMS(1) | User Commands | GLIB-MKENUMS(1) |
glib-mkenums - C language enum description generation utility
glib-mkenums [OPTION...] [FILE...]
glib-mkenums is a small utility that parses C code to extract enum definitions and produces enum descriptions based on text templates specified by the user. Typically, you can use this tool to generate enumeration types for the GType type system, for #GObject properties and signal marshalling; additionally, you can use it to generate enumeration values of #GSettings schemas.
glib-mkenums takes a list of valid C code files as input. The options specified control the text that generated, substituting various keywords enclosed in @ characters in the templates.
Production text substitutions¶
Certain keywords enclosed in @ characters will be substituted in the emitted text. For the substitution examples of the keywords below, the following example enum definition is assumed:
Trigraph extensions¶
Some C comments are treated specially in the parsed enum definitions, such comments start out with the trigraph sequence /*< and end with the trigraph sequence >*/. Per enum definition, the options "skip" and "flags" can be specified, to indicate this enum definition to be skipped, or for it to be treated as a flags definition, or to specify the common prefix to be stripped from all values to generate value nicknames, respectively. The "underscore_name" option can be used to specify the word separation used in the *_get_type() function. For instance, /*< underscore_name=gnome_vfs_uri_hide_options >*/.
Per value definition, the options "skip" and "nick" are supported. The former causes the value to be skipped, and the latter can be used to specify the otherwise auto-generated nickname. Examples:
--fhead TEXT
You can specify this option multiple times, and the TEXT will be concatenated.
When used along with a template file, TEXT will be prepended to the template's file-header section.
--fprod TEXT
You can specify this option multiple times, and the TEXT will be concatenated.
When used along with a template file, TEXT will be appended to the template's file-production section.
--ftail TEXT
You can specify this option multiple times, and the TEXT will be concatenated.
When used along with a template file, TEXT will be appended to the template's file-tail section.
--eprod TEXT
--vhead TEXT
You can specify this option multiple times, and the TEXT will be concatenated.
When used along with a template file, TEXT will be prepended to the template's value-header section.
--vprod TEXT
You can specify this option multiple times, and the TEXT will be concatenated.
When used along with a template file, TEXT will be appended to the template's value-production section.
--vtail TEXT
You can specify this option multiple times, and the TEXT will be concatenated.
When used along with a template file, TEXT will be appended to the template's value-tail section.
--comments TEXT
--template FILE
where section may be file-header, file-production, file-tail, enumeration-production, value-header, value-production, value-tail or comment.
--identifier-prefix PREFIX
--symbol-prefix PREFIX
In order to use glib-mkenums in your project when using Autotools as the build system, you will first need to modify your file to ensure you find the appropriate command using pkg-config, similarly as to how you discover the compiler and linker flags for GLib.
PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG([0.28]) PKG_CHECK_VAR([GLIB_MKENUMS], [glib-2.0], [glib_mkenums])
In your file you will typically use rules like these:
# A list of headers to inspect project_headers = \
project-foo.h \
project-bar.h \
project-baz.h enum-types.h: $(project_headers)
--output=$@ \
$(project_headers) enum-types.c: $(project_headers) enum-types.h
--output=$@ \
$(project_headers) BUILT_SOURCES += enum-types.h enum-types.c CLEANFILES += enum-types.h enum-types.c EXTRA_DIST +=
In the example above, we have a variable called project_headers where we reference all header files we want to inspect for generating enumeration GTypes. In the enum-types.h rule we use glib-mkenums with a template called in order to generate the header file; a header template file will typically look like this:
/*** BEGIN file-header ***/ #pragma once /* Include the main project header */ #include "project.h" G_BEGIN_DECLS /*** END file-header ***/ /*** BEGIN file-production ***/ /* enumerations from "@filename@" */ /*** END file-production ***/ /*** BEGIN value-header ***/ GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; #define @ENUMPREFIX@_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type ()) /*** END value-header ***/ /*** BEGIN file-tail ***/ G_END_DECLS /*** END file-tail ***/
The enum-types.c rule is similar to the rule for the header file, but will use a different template file, similar to this:
/*** BEGIN file-header ***/ #include "config.h" #include "enum-types.h" /*** END file-header ***/ /*** BEGIN file-production ***/ /* enumerations from "@filename@" */ /*** END file-production ***/ /*** BEGIN value-header ***/ GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) {
static volatile gsize g_@type@_type_id__volatile;
if (g_once_init_enter (&g_define_type_id__volatile))
static const G@Type@Value values[] = { /*** END value-header ***/ /*** BEGIN value-production ***/
{ @VALUENAME@, "@VALUENAME@", "@valuenick@" }, /*** END value-production ***/ /*** BEGIN value-tail ***/
{ 0, NULL, NULL }
GType g_@type@_type_id =
g_@type@_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("@EnumName@"), values);
g_once_init_leave (&g_@type@_type_id__volatile, g_@type@_type_id);
return g_@type@_type_id__volatile; } /*** END value-tail ***/
GObject |